How it works

To get you started, Sargent-Disc will assist in setting up your DPO project by: entering the production name and company details and incorporating your terms and conditions into the PO; importing suppliers/vendors and creating departments; setting up currencies, exchange rates, expenditure types and budgets, and creating your approval chain based on department, PO amount and additional criteria e.g. above the line expenditure.

1. Users Invited

Users invited to DPO, assigned a department, PO visibility level and any required approval privileges. View multiple projects with a single login.

3. PO approval

PO sent through approval levels determined by department, value or other criteria indicated by flagging the PO. Approvers can approve or decline, add/amend budget codes and append attachments.

5. Interface with accounts

Batch file prepared for uploading POs to PSL3 and PSL+ with account codes, line items and supplier information included.

2. PO created

PO created, assigned to a department, details entered and expenditure types assigned. Rental dates set (with notifications), quotes attached, budget codes added and PO assigned to a budget. PO sent or saved as draft.

4. Approved PO distributed

Approved PO can be automatically emailed to suppliers/vendors, an internal copy sent to your accounts inbox and the PO queued for export.
